Teeth Brite

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There is No Such Thing As a Quick Fix


There are no such treatments that are quick fix for acne.

An acne outbreak is from within and so there are underlying issues on top of the physical pimple you see on the surface of your skin.

If you poke it or use concealers or quick fix remedies, surely it will make you look good for that short moment, but it won't resolve the underlying issue that caused your outbreak.

In the long run, your skin will suffer if you continue on such a regime.

Look into your diet and your sleep patterns. They will help you in the long term if you make adjustments like cutting down on oily and heaty food. I have a post on my blog on an acne free diet which you can read more about.

As for late nights, be it work or party, cut it down esp. the alcohol if you continue to have acne issues.

The golden rule : Do not prick your acne ! They will leave scars on your face and you will regret it later !

If you have a serious case, forget OTC medicine, go see a doctor.

And check out the rest of my blog for other acne solutions that are less abrasive on your skin like home made masks etc.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Acne Solutions Online and Seeing a Dermatologist

There are many rich and reliable resources on the internet with regards to acne, home solutions, natural remedies, as well as medical applications and cream for scars as well as quick-fix solutions.

If you have a bad acne situation, it is best to consult your dermatologist instead of relying on the net, however. You should consult medical attention as they might be able to find the underlying causes of your pimple outbreak.

Sometimes, it is due to the heatiness, the food you take etc... but to be precise, you should go to the doctor who can do a medical check on you to determine the exact causes.

The internet can provide general tips and care for acne removal but they are general. And not all home made remedies are suitable for everyone as you may be allergic to some of the ingredients even if they are natural.

Not all medical acne creams are abrasive to your skin. Also, you need a combination of natural cleansers on top of medicine to make it a wholesome acne removal experience. On top of having a good well-balanced diet as well.

There is no harm in trying out the various home acne masks as long as you have the time to check them out but they are not effective for all skin types. If you try and find it does not work, then go see a skin specialist who might be able to offer a better acne solution than the OTC types that you are currently using.

Do not just rely on the internet alone ! If you need someone to talk to, approach your local counsellors or even drop me a email and I see if I can offer any help. It can be stressful but you are certainly not alone in this fight against acne outbreak !

Just remember, quick fix solutions do not resolve the underlying issues that causes acne. We go for a long term solution that will heal your skin naturally. There is certainly no overnight wonders !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Clear Skin Acne Diet Discussed

Your digestion is not what it could be, and that this is having a knock-on effect on your skin. In this case, you may want to seek the advice of a qualified nutritionist to take you through a full nutritional program or any changes you wish to make. Because of the diverse nature of acne skin disorders and all the different underlying causes it is impossible to give blanket dietary guidelines which apply to everyone. So below are broad guidelines for an optimum diet that may aid you in getting a clear skin free from acne issues :

Dos for a Clear Skin Acne Diet

Water : Have six glasses each day.
Tea and coffee : Have no more than 2 cups a day.
Colorful fruits and vegetables : Have five daily servings, including red/orange/yellow vegetables and fruits, purple foods, green foods, onions and garlic,and ‘seed’ foods such as peas.
Yoghurt : Have low-fat, live, organic yoghurt.
Alcohol : Avoid completely or limit your alcohol intake.
Essential fats : Have a tablespoon of cold-pressed seed oils daily and oily fish three times a week.
Fiber-rich foods : Eat plenty of whole grains, root vegetables, lentils and beans.
Organic foods : Eat organic if you can
Fresh seeds : Each day have one tablespoon of mixed fresh seeds, e.g. pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or ground hemp/linseed.
Alternatives to dairy products : Try sometimes using alternatives to milk and cheese such as Soya, milk and tofu.
Vegetable sources of protein : Include some Soya, beans, lentils and sprouted seeds.
Vegetable oils : Limit vegetable oils to a little olive oil and/or cold pressed sunflower or other oils.
Grain foods : Limit foods made from wheat, oats, rye, etc. to one or two portions each day.
Red meat : limit red meat to no more than three times a week. Have fish, organic chicken or game instead.

Don'ts for a Clear Skin Acne Diet

Refined carbohydrates : Don't have foods containing white flour, such as bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries and pasta.
Sugar : Don't add sugar to drinks and cereals, and avoid sugary foods such as soft drinks, sweets, jams, many cereals, biscuits, cakes and desserts.
Fried foodstuff : Don't have fried foods. Boil, steam, bake or lightly grill them instead.
Fatty foods : Avoid foods like butter, cream and ice cream.
Chemical additives : Avoid having foods containing chemical additives. This includes most canned, preserved or processed foods.
Smoking : Don't smoke at all. Or quit it.
Processed fats : Don't have processed foods as most of them contain trans-fats.

Essentially, a typical day's meals (clear skin acne diet style) might look like this as per below :

Suggested Breakfast Regime for a Clear Skin Acne Diet :
Natural, live culture yoghurt with chopped fresh fruits and a handful of pumpkin seeds or a muesli made from oats, fresh hazelnuts, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds and raisins with natural yoghurt and some apple juice.

Suggested Lunch Regime for a clear Skin Acne Diet :
A baked potato with tuna or salmon, tomato, celery and spring onion, with olive oil and lemon juice or a big rice salad with many types of fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper.

Suggested Dinner Regime for a Clear Skin Acne Diet :
Grilled fish, chicken or lean meat or a vegetarian alternative made from beans, lentils or Soya. Serve with a large helping of freshly steamed or lightly stir-fried vegetables. You can also 'steam-fry' vegetables by using just the tiniest drop of oil and adding a couple of tablespoons of water, to, in effect, steam them.

Snacks :

If you must snack, consider fresh fruit, raw nuts and seeds (e.g. almonds, hazelnuts, Brazils, pumpkin and sunflower seeds); raw vegetables (e.g. carrots, broccoli, celery).

Drinks :
At least six to eight glasses of water, herbal and fruit teas (beware of artificially flavored or sweetened ones), fresh fruit and vegetable juices, occasional 'smoothies' - freshly made with fruits/fruit juices and yoghurt or Soya milk.

If you have any suggestions on a clear skin acne free diet, do let me know ! Now go for a good diet or modify it to cover the essentials I mentinoed above !

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Go Away Acne !

Been working out late this month, trying to complete a couple of projects all at one go. That really stretched my time everyday, working nearly 18 hours just to cut the slack and be able to perform.

The end result ? Your metabolic rate increases due to the irregular hours you sleep. You feel heaty, your skin feels oily and the tendency to snack, will come in as that will provide you with an additional source of energy.

Well, an oily scalp can happen and I also got a couple of acne and pimples on my face, back and scalp ! Driving me nuts. And I actually got a pimple under my nose area and I am so tempted to "pop" it LOL !

Went to the local supermarket and got me a new peppermint inclusive shower gel that will hopefully cool my inflamed skin.

Also, got into buying Dove shampoo with a anti-hair fall formula so that I can use to wash up and clear my scalp of the oily condition, preventing hair loss at the same time and keeping my scalp oil free to prevent more acne outbreak.

Oh well, I hope to get back to my normal sleep patterns soon, otherwise I will get "panda eyes" and more acne issues popping up later on !

Monday, March 8, 2010

On Home Made Acne Treatment

You can make your own home made acne face masks and cosmetics with various ingredients that are easily available in the market.

One of the most effective and simple products is actually green clay. Blending the clay with some water to form a paste and applying it to skin can draw out toxins and dirt, especially in the case of acne but also as a regular skin detoxifier. The clay also helps reduce inflammation and irritation. Leave it to dry on the skin (wash it off immediately if the skin feels sore) and rinse it off well. Mixing it with olive oil makes it more moisturizing as well. Some people even advocate mixing the clay in a glass of water and drinking it (not the thicker sediment) to clean the digestive tract and draw out toxins.

By the way, brushing your skin with a natural bristle brush is great not only for sloughing off dead cells but also for stimulating your lymph system and blood circulation which enhances the elimination of toxins as well as the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells.

I hope this little tip helps and everyone can benefit from this easy to make acne face mask.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ways To Remove Acne Scars

Acne scars can be considered a nightmare for many people. However, take heart as the pain and discomfort of having acne during the teenage or puberty years may be temporary and can be healed with the proper treatment and time.

However, the scars brought by the acne can remain and become a bitter reminder of the past. Not all outbreaks caused by acne can leave acne scars, usually these scars are due to the tissue damage which happen only when an infected acne lesion run deep under the skin’s surface.

Age, ethnicity and heredity are also determining factors when considering the extent of scarring that a person can have from acne.

Acne scars can be permanent and you cannot completely erase it, so it is important that you find ways to avoid getting them or minimize their appearance. If scars do happen, there are ways that you can do to lessen their appearance.

1. Avoid pricking or “popping” pimples
It is important to fight the urge to pop, squeeze or pop your pimples that develop on your face. Doing this can push the infection deeper into the skin, spread the inflammation and even worsen the damage into the skin tissue.

Pricking, popping and squeezing may also cause the infection to spread to other areas of the face and even worsen the breakout. It is better to just let pimples heal naturally and avoid getting acne scars.

2. Get treatment fast
Acne scars can be best avoided and fought if you seek treatment as soon as the acne comes out. Fighting the urge to prick or pop and keeping your hands off your pimple until it heals does not mean that you cannot seek treatment[acne treatment] for it.

You can ask professionals to analyze your acne situation and to give you good advice for treatment management and better outcome.

3. Prevent Inflammation
Inflamed pimples wounds are more likely to leave acne scars as this shows how the skin underneath is experiencing stress or the tissues are already damaged.

An inflamed condition shows dark red skin which is hot and painful. Always remember that a pimple is an irritation and it is essential that further irritation must be avoided. Scrubbing or applying harsh ingredients which are not medically tested should be best avoided when dealing with pimples to avoid acne scars.

4. Seek professional help
Acne can become deep cysts, large or involve extensive breakouts and you may feel feverish and unexplained pain. Nodules, deep cysts like-pimples as well as gnawing pain may indicate that your skin tissues are being destroyed.

This can easily lead to skin trauma and acne scars. Professional medical help is very much needed when you are experiencing severe acne problems. Professionals will have a thorough analysis of your symptoms for you to have an improved chance of recovery and prevention of acne scars.

Just learn to stay calm and not panic and start to pop the acne for a quick fix as this will aggravate the situation further.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting Rid of Acne with Home Based Products

If you are an acne sufferer, it is very common that you keep on searching for the best acne remedy to control and prevent it.

Acne basically refers to the skin disorder of the pilosebaceous units (PSUs), a unit of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and sebaceous duct.

Acne occurs mostly on the face, arms, upper back, and chest, the areas where the pilosebaceous units are numerous. Acne usually develops when the excess sebaceous glands, the oil-producing glands, and dead skin cells become absorbed in the hair follicle to create a plug in the pore. This plug of dead cells and oil is called a comedone (blackheads and whiteheads).

The most common causes of acne are hormonal changes, genes, cosmetic chemicals, birth control pills, stress, unhygienic food and improper/inadequate skin care.

There are various acne remedy options to control acne successfully. One such remedy to control acne is the use of home-based products which will be discussed below :

  1. The most popular acne remedy to reduce acne swelling is by applying toothpaste on the pimple area at night or by placing strawberry leaves on the acne area.
  2. To prevent acne, blackheads, pimples and wrinkles, apply fresh methi (fenugreek) paste over the face daily at night for around 10 minutes and wash with warm water.
  3. Washing the face two times a day with warm salty water can make the skin oil-free, without irritating the acne.
  4. Honey is also a great acne remedy for acne and skin blemishes, as it helps kill bacteria. Also, apply Aloe Vera juice twice a day to heal acne lesions speedily.
  5. Apply mixture of lemon and rose water (in equal quantities) on the face for 1/2 hour and wash it with fresh warm water. Fifteen days of this application helps cure acne, pimples, and scars.
  6. Even the skin of lemon is an acne remedy that acts as it acts as a massager to the face.
  7. Rose water is a good acne remedy. Cleaning the face with rose water dipped cotton wool twice a day helps cure acne. Apply the paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater on the face and rinse off after half-an-hour to cure acne and black heads.
  8. Apply the paste of orange peel powder and water on affected area to cure acne. It is one of the best acne remedies.
  9. A mixture of turmeric powder and mint juice is also an acne remedy. Apply the paste for 15-30 minutes on affected area and rinse it off.
  10. Apply the mixture of corn flour and egg white on the face for 30 minutes and massage and wash the face with warm water. Repeating this acne remedy regularly help heal acne easily.
  11. Healthy diet also plays a role in acne remedy. The diet should include minimum of five servings of vegetables and fresh fruits. Vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily in the diet helps support the skin’s resistance to acne.
  12. Moreover, drinking plenty of water helps to prevent skin problems. Also, exercise regularly, as it helps supply oxygen to the cells to keep the skin healthy all the time.

Friday, February 12, 2010

HOME-MADE Mask to treat Dry & Acne Prone Skin

A homemade mask designed to treat dry sensitive skin and also treat pimples , acne and irritations. A proven and home tested remedy LOL.

The Ingredients Needed for this Acne Face Mask include the following :

1. Oatmeal
2. Honey
3. Bioyogurt (chilled & fresh)

I believe that natural ingredients is best for our skin. I have tested this home made acne face mask myself and on others and can proudly say it is an effective & affordable treatment for the skin.

Unless you are allergic to either oatmeal, bioyogurt or honey- please do not try this yourself.

Check out the acne face mask video for more information before anything else.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Natural Home Acne Solutions / Remedies

There are many natural home remedies for acne.

The most important and effective one being drinking 3 glasses of water as soon as you get up first thing in the morning. Then eating a bowl of raw cabbage everyday is a sure-fire way.

Drinking water throughout the day helps to keep acne at bay too. Oranges complete with pips and transparent peel, one cucumber with peel, and an apple just before going to bed. A combo of these time tested natural home acne remedies taken every single day will definitely keep those facial nigglies away.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Natural Ways of Acne Removal

Everyone desires to have a flawless skin, and hence spend most of their time and money to get the perfect skin. There are a lot of people who suffer from acne, hence are always trying to find ways to treat their problem.

Although there are a lot of cosmetic treatments easily available for acne removal nowadays, but the best way to treat your acne problem is the natural way. Natural treatment of acne is the best because it does not harm your skin and is low in cost. Although natural ways of acne removal takes more time, but the results are excellent, a few natural remedies for acne are listed below :

Turmeric powder mix it with lemon juice and water in this and make a paste out of it. Leave it for 20 min and wash it with warm water. This will help in acne removal as well as will lighten acne scars.

Grind cucumber into a thick paste like cream apply it on your face for 15 mins then wash it off with cold water. This will help closing your skin pores; therefore dust and pollution which are the cause of acne will not be able to enter your skin.

Vinegar mixed with salt acts like any scrub you buy out in the stores apply this on your face and scrub gently for a few min then wash off with cold water. This will remove acne form your face making your skin healthy and glowing.

These were a few ways of acne removal easy, natural, painless, very effective and affordable.

I hope you can try them out hopefully they will be helpful for you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Acne Scar Removal Via Laser Surgery

It is estimated that 27% of women and 34% men suffer from Acne issues. Acne is a common disease caused by hormones. Acne medication causes irritation and dryness therefore; people generally opt for various other remedial measures such as Laser surgery.

Acne Laser surgery is an expensive laser treatment and is developed to reduce the breeding and secretion of sebaceous oil in the glands. Acne Laser surgery treats acne scar lesions by emitting laser beams that travels through the skin and seals the sebaceous oil glands. Acne laser surgery is safe as the laser produced is of fixed wavelength or color but the intensity differs.

However, if one is looking for fast relief then acne laser surgery is not a solution as it takes some years to get ultimate benefits. Acne problem is increasing day by day due to lifestyle changes; physicians are learning the curing techniques as Dermatologists simply cannot fulfill the treatment demands.

Physicians can attend workshops where they can learn conventional treatment protocols, advanced treatment methods such as microdermabrasion, thermal and no-thermal light sources, laser and chemical peels and other skin conditions. Some acne treatment programs are specially designed for primary care physicians who wish to learn advanced treating techniques.

So go ahead and learn to promote this sub-specialty with limited budget and enjoy the increased clientele to your practice.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Acne or pimples are not confined to the teens age only, anyone (especially people in their 20s-40s) can have this problem and the situation is really very painful. This pain is not only physical but also emotional, people start feeling insecure about their looks and as a result they loose their self confidence.

That’s why I decided to find such remedies for this problem that you don’t even have to go outside the house to buy something with it, yes I have found some home remedies for this acne problem.

Before I start with the remedies let me tell you what acne is? The term acne is used for plugged pores, pimples, & even deeper lumps. Now without wasting much of the time let me give you some natural home remedies for Acne.

Use a pack prepared by boiling 50gms of raspberry and strawberry leaves with 1 1/2 liters of water, leave is for 3 minutes then use it will give you an itching free soothe skin. This is a very useful home remedy for acne.

Mix yogurt & fine oatmeal and make a thick paste, now apply the paste on your face or affected area & leave it to dry. Wash your face with warm water & use a towel pat dry.

The latest method to treat acne problem is the use of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera soaps & gels are available in the market to serve the purpose. Boil 2 or 3 tea bags in water and add some dried basil in it, leave it for some time and use it now on affected area with a cotton ball.

Apart from all this don’t forget to drink about 12 glasses of water a day.

I hope this helps to alleviate your acne issues.

Friday, January 1, 2010

After One Heavy Day of Partying, Sinful Food and Booze

This morning I woke up later than usual .....

Still feeling tired from last night's doze of partying in town, tons of oily, fattening food, chocolates and enriched dinner, and of course beer ........ being last day of 2009 that is.....

Anyways, I woke up feeling very heaty and dry on my lips.

Went to the toilet to freshen up and lo and behold ..........


I had to do a double take, blinked my eyes ..... yup, that dratful pimple is there, sticking out like an eye sore just beneath my nose.

I mean, what !!!! I am like, ahem, 30 .... and at my age it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get any more acne !

I made a mad scramble to grab hold of my age-old acne home remedies ....... and drinking a lot of Chinese tea to cool myself down.

Going to whip up my cucumbers, aloe vera and all.... and grab a DIY face mask.

No more oily food for me for at least 1 week ...