Teeth Brite

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There is No Such Thing As a Quick Fix


There are no such treatments that are quick fix for acne.

An acne outbreak is from within and so there are underlying issues on top of the physical pimple you see on the surface of your skin.

If you poke it or use concealers or quick fix remedies, surely it will make you look good for that short moment, but it won't resolve the underlying issue that caused your outbreak.

In the long run, your skin will suffer if you continue on such a regime.

Look into your diet and your sleep patterns. They will help you in the long term if you make adjustments like cutting down on oily and heaty food. I have a post on my blog on an acne free diet which you can read more about.

As for late nights, be it work or party, cut it down esp. the alcohol if you continue to have acne issues.

The golden rule : Do not prick your acne ! They will leave scars on your face and you will regret it later !

If you have a serious case, forget OTC medicine, go see a doctor.

And check out the rest of my blog for other acne solutions that are less abrasive on your skin like home made masks etc.